
Rex Widerstrom

34 Articles

Australian States at Risk of Further Credit Rating Downgrade Due to Overspending

Several Australian states have had their credit ratings downgraded, meaning they must rein in spending or face higher…

Australia Gives $570 Million Loan to Papua New Guinea, Bringing Total Commitment to $3 Billion

The federal government has given another $570 million (US$356.41 million) to Papua New Guinea (PNG), bringing the total…

Issuing Uniform Passes for Māori Necklaces Was ‘Culturally Inappropriate,’ NZ School Says

The school was widely criticised on social media for issuing a student with a uniform pass allowing them…

Israeli Media Corrects Story That Caused Cruz to Question US-New Zealand Alliance

After Sen. Ted Cruz reposted the story, criticising New Zealand, Winston Peters called it ‘fake news,’ which seems…

Queensland LNP Walks Away From $12.5 Billion Net Zero Hydrogen Project

The Central Queensland Hydrogen Project is to end after the state treasurer refused to invest more money into…

Major New Zealand Bank Steadily Withdraws All Banking Services From Coal Miner

Banks are increasingly threatening to withdraw services from companies such as miners, provoking fury from Resources Minister Shane…

Entire Town Up for Sale in New Zealand

The complex includes eight three-bedroom houses and comes with its own café and bar, and can be yours…

‘Exorbitant’: NZ Reserve Bank Spent $6,300 a Day Maintaining Website

Some departments are spending large amounts on their online presence, with four others spending around $1.5 million a…

Trump Appoints Member of an Oil Dynasty as Ambassador to New Zealand

Jared Novelly, who gave 17 times more in donations to Trump’s primary opponent Nikki Haley than he did…

Some New Zealanders Paying 50 Percent Tax, Treasury Reveals

A new analysis reveals some income earners and and many single parents are effectively paying half their income…

New Zealand’s Libertarian Leader Asked Not to Attend Major Maori Event Because of ‘Race Bill’

David Seymour, who is part-Māori, has been told it would not be appropriate for him to attend the…

Iconic Australian Clothing Brand to Close, 650 Jobs Lost

Yet another brand in the failed Mosaic group is to close in April after receivers failed to find…

Another 38 Staff to Go at Major New Zealand Media Group

NZME, the publisher of 14 newspapers and nine radio stations, plus multiple online assets, is to lay off…

No More 2nd Chances for Telcos Who Fail Customers

The Australian Communication and Media Authority will no longer be required to issue a warning before fining telcos…

Woman Who Died After Receiving COVID Vaccine Was Not Properly Cared For, Inquiry Finds

New Zealand’s health commissioner has found the GP failed to provide appropriate care to the woman, who died…