Massimilian Grasso:
TOTAL MILITARY CONTROL: DEEP STATE DESTRUCTION FROM A TO Z! TRUMP COMMANDS, THE COURTS BEGINS, THE SWAMP IS BEING ANNIATED ! The Deep State is OVER. A massive military operation has been going on for years, quietly dismantling the globalist cabala from within. Trump is the president elect. The U.S. Military is in control. The courts are due in 2025. The swamp is being drained and NOTHING can stop what is coming. AMERICA WILL BE RE-BORN. DRAINING THE SWAMP – THE END RESULT For decades, a hidden force has manipulated the system for its own reckoning. These unelected criminals have orchestrated wars, collapsed economies, stole elections, and cancelled patriotism to build their New World Order. But they never realized it. What the Deep State never saw coming was the largest and most complex covert military operation in history: a plan to expose, trap and destroy them. People believed in a fraudulent system while the US military had already taken control. Now, we are witnessing the FINAL phase: the complete eradication of the Deep State. CONNECTING THE DOTS: THE MASTER PLAN This war is not about Republicans vs. Democrats. It’s GOOD vs EVIL. The traitors in Washington thought they had the best of it, but all along, they were falling into a military trap.

The military knew that.

The Patriots knew that.

Trump led the attack.
The whole operation was a strategic masterpiece. Every law, executive order and military maneuver has been deliberated. This is the greatest military mission of all time. THE INVISIBLE HAND OF THE ARMY: STRATEGY WAR

ESTABLISH THE BATTLEFIELD (2016–2020) Manual of Martial Law (2016): Legal military occupation allowed. Military Justice Act (2016): has separated corrupt civil courts from military courts. National Emergencies (2018): authorized military intervention.

DEEP STATE TRAPPED (2018–2020) Saudi Arabia purge (2017): cut funding to the Deep State. EO 13818 (2017): Goods confiscated from corrupt elites.
Trump dominates the royal family (2018): power shift confirmed. Then came their last desperate ditch: COVID.

THE COVID FRAUD – THEIR FAILURE IN POWER COUPLE EO 13912 (March 2020): 1 million National Guard soldiers activated. Capitol Fencing (January 2021): Military control established. Space Force Takes Over (2022): Military communications protected from Deep State infiltrations. THE FINAL PHASE: MILITARY OCCUPATION AND TRIBUNAL (2021–2025) The stolen 2020 elections were part of the plan. The Deep State had to get exposed first. Here’s what’s REALLY going on:

Biden is NOT in control. No military access. No authority.

The National Guard remains active. The United States is under military occupation.

Mass military movements. Aircraft and troops are in position.

The Space Force holds all intelligence. Biden has NO control over her.
And now, in 2025, the blow of grace will come. ARMY READY TO HIT: WHAT’S GOING ON NOW?


Mass arrests and military courts are COMING SOON.

The Republic WILL be restored. The Deep State thought it could steal, manipulate and lie to gain permanent power. They were wrong. MILITARY TRIBUNALS HAVE ARRIVED – 2025

The army is waiting for the final WAY signal.

The National Guard remains active.

The Space Force has secured all critical information. This is not a conspiracy theory: it is actually happening. THE WAR IS ALREADY WON The Deep State is over. What remains is the public collapse of their entire empire.

Washington DC will be CLEANED.

The fake Biden administration will be DEMOLISHED.

Patriots will REBELL and justice will be DONE. GET READY: AMERICA WILL RISE AGAIN. The Deep State has played its last card. And he has lost.

This is the END of the Deep State.

This is the RISE of the Republic.

Storm patriot