
Bhubaneswar: Technology stopped tragedy from unfolding on the tracks. A herd of 28 elephants, including calves, were ambling along the Bandhamunda-Barsuan railway track in Rourkela, frequented by goods trains, when they were spotted by an artificial intelligence (AI)-based thermal camera.
As soon as the camera picked up the movement of elephants, it sent inputs with location details and photographs to the control room of both the forest department and the railways. The railways was quick to act, delaying the movement of a goods train by 30 minutes to allow the elephants to cross the track.
Forest officials said that at about 7 pm on Saturday, an AI camera detected the herd and took an image. “Within minutes of receiving the image and location, it was decided that the incoming train be delayed by half-an-hour at the nearest railway station at Lathikata. We coordinated with the railway as well to ensure that the elephants could cross the track before the train’s arrival,” said Jasobant Sethi, divisional forest officer, Rourkela.
The elephants usually shuttle between Sana Parbat reserve forest and Tainsar under Panposh range in the Rourkela forest division. Sethi said the 360-degree movement of cameras also helped them detect elephants crossing over to the other side of the railway track safely, following which the train was passed the area.
Till Dec last year, 36 elephants had died in train hits in a decade. The advent of technology is bound to help reduce such incidents.
Prem Kumar Jha, principal chief conservator of forests (wildlife), said they had installed a 12-ft high tower atop which the high-resolution AI camera has been installed. “The camera has been installed at a strategic location. AI-based thermal cameras were first installed in Similipal Tiger Reserve, and their help led to the arrest of many poachers. We will install such sophisticated cameras at other places as well,” said Jha.
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