Massimilian Grasso:
Peter B. Meyer – December 19, 2024 FWC
Always One Step Ahead The following information comes from decoded etheric broadcasts direct from well-intentioned Lightworkers docked in the Earth’s Solar System. Some details come directly from members of the Earth Alliance, known as the Great White Brotherhood. The most recent flow of information from the Earth Alliance included the word corona, which is related to the word chakra, in its many applications. All of this information is specifically coded to literally be applied to every reader’s life situation, as if it was written specifically for each person! From now on, you need to tune in to the right frequency to be able to decode data independently and gain a much wider awareness of what is happening! Let everything that comes flow through you and translate it yourself! Rest assured all the answers to your questions will be provided and will be answered correctly! Beginning of the transmission… Dear friend; Towards the end of 2018, the forces of light in Earth’s solar system launched an all-inclusive planetary liberation operation called “Operation Freedom Earth.” In the early hours of this incredible galactic operation, Delta Security’s special forces destroyed and removed from Earth’s solar system a large artificial screen called the Dyson Sphere, which literally blocked all access to the fifth dimension! Another special Light Forces mission, called Operation Masterpiece, involved to divert large amounts of high-vibration gamma light from the galactic core from the Earth’s Sun to the surface of planet Earth, in order to activate the Earth’s dormant Starseed DNA filaments. The purpose of this mission was to increase the vibrational atomic resonance of Starseed DNA so that you would be able to consciously perceive the fifth dimension level! There was a major royal history event that took place at the start of Operation Masterpiece, in which every solar observatory on Earth took very sharp and detailed photos + video footage of the Forces of Light astronauts performing this special light diversion operation near Earth. Sun. The Forces of Light have been 100% successful diverting this light towards Earth over the last three Earth years, with every solid ray of cosmic light from the Galactic Nucleus measured, recorded, and documented to date by the Earth Alliance and all cosmic agencies on Earth. While the benevolent Galactics in our solar system did the tech work to help raise Earth’s vibration, bringing light to Earth was only half the battle! This high frequency climbing light had to be anchored to the crystal grid of planet Earth so that it could be stored on Earth to raise the level of consciousness of all beings on Earth. The only practical way to achieve this was for the Light Forces already living on Earth to use their bodies as receivers and deposits of Light, holding large amounts of Cosmic Light in their bodies and then anchoring this Light into the Earth’s grid! The new 5D light grid on the Earth’s surface emits a wave of escalating light tuned to the Hertz frequencies of the 4th and 5th DNA filament! Confirmed by recent information from Earth Alliance! Stay tuned, the episode continues tomorrow.